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News > School News > Which (Channing) character(s) are you feeling most like today: Bravery Mole, Curiosity Fox or...?

Which (Channing) character(s) are you feeling most like today: Bravery Mole, Curiosity Fox or...?

13 Sep 2023
School News

Find out what Miss Hamalis, Head of the Junior School, has to say about the start of the academic year.

The real sense of community at Channing is one of the many things I love about my job. Since the beginning of term, I have been extremely proud of the older girls. When I say older, I mean starting right from Year 1 as they have been enthusiastically supporting the new Reception girls to settle in. Last week, the Year 6 girls had huge smiles on their faces as they greeted the Reception girls at the gate on their very first day. So many of the Year 1 – Year 6 girls have been asking at morning drop off if they can help escort the Reception girls down to the playground. It is amazing to see them embodying the roles of Empathy Rabbit and Responsibility Badger. Whilst, the Reception girls and other new girls, who have joined us this year, have demonstrated bravery like Bravery Mole. 

Our eight Channing Characters – Empathy Rabbit, Responsibility Badger, Bravery Mole, Resilience Robin, Respectfulness Hedgehog, Perseverance Squirrel,

Curiosity Fox and Independence Owl – are now very much embedded into the school experience and will be referred to regularly by the staff and girls. 

There is more to come to further reinforce the characters including: signs in Forest School (eg. Forest’s Den), storybooks inspired by the current Year 8 pupils (written when they were in Year 6 explaining why each animal has been related to each characteristic), an animation created by a former Channing Senior School student, and a new role of responsibility (Channing Character Champions) for girls in Reception – Year 6.

We can't wait to share more about these projects as the academic year progresses!



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