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News > School News > Children's Mental Health Week - ‘My Voice Matters’

Children's Mental Health Week - ‘My Voice Matters’

6 Feb 2024
United Kingdom
School News

Miss Hamalis talks about the Junior School's participation in Children's Mental Health Week. Read on to find out more.

This week, we are participating in Children’s Mental Health Week, with the overarching theme being ‘My Voice Matters’. During our morning assembly, Mr Entwisle (Deputy Head) conveyed to the girls that every child possesses the fundamental right to express their thoughts, feelings and opinions. Emphasising the significance of pupil voice within our community, he highlighted various avenues, such as the School Council, Form Captains, and Channing Character Champions, through which their voices can be heard.

The girls enthusiastically contributed their thoughts on supporting mental health, delving into topics ranging from the importance of exercise and a balanced diet to the crucial role of a good night’s sleep and relaxation. We explored the concept of gratitude, encouraging the girls to appreciate the positive aspects of their lives. Reiterating the theme of ‘My Voice Matters,’ we stressed the importance of using one’s voice to communicate and share emotions. I was impressed by the girls’ introspective and insightful reflections, reminding us to consider the value of helping others and extending support to those who may need it.

Mr Entwisle extended the conversation to the impact of our environment on wellbeing, discussing how the spaces around us influence our mood. The girls candidly shared the tidiness (or otherwise!) of their rooms at home, acknowledging the positive effect of a well-organised personal space on their mood. Building on this, he explained how our Form Captains proposed a new Form Tidiness award to foster a healthy environment within the school. The prospect of prizes for both the tidiest form rooms and teachers’ desks was met with enthusiasm by the girls.

As we look forward to the week ahead, the girls will engage in various activities designed to promote mental health and wellbeing.

The week will place a strong emphasis on the connection between exercise and mental health, with Zumba sessions planned for our Reception and KS1 girls and a big focus for all on football in PE lessons and break times. Additionally, our KS2 girls will have the opportunity to experience the rejuvenating effects of a Gong Bath workshop, focusing on finding calm within their environment. 

We conclude the week with a non-uniform day on Friday, themed Express Yourself. This presents an opportunity for self-expression, allowing the girls to wear their favourite colour(s), outfit or a unique combination. In our commitment to sustainability, we encourage the use of items they already have at home, fostering creativity in their choices. I eagerly anticipate seeing the unique expressions the girls bring forth on this day.

Wishing you all a lovely half term filled with positivity and wellbeing!

If you celebrate Shrove Tuesday, enjoy your pancakes! 

Happy Chinese New Year to those of you celebrating over the break! 

Xīnnián hǎo 新年好

Gong hei fat choy 恭喜发财

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