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News > School News > Drama News - Year 13 Drama and Theatre Studies

Drama News - Year 13 Drama and Theatre Studies

24 May 2024
School News

Year 13 Drama and Theatre Studies students concluded their final week at Channing with two superbly original and innovative pieces of devised theatre. Developed through conducting interviews and questionnaires, they collected dialogue taken from real life experiences to create two pieces of verbatim theatre. 'Clink' looked at prison life in 2024 and asked whether retribution or reformation is really at the heart of the prison system, and how it impacts those that work in it, visit it and reside there. Secondly, 'Miss Conception' presented an investigation into the contraceptive pill and how it has shaped the lives of women that use it and how misunderstanding hormonal birth control has implications for wider society. Both pieces were mature, insightful and impactful for the audience in attendance.

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