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News > School News > Miss Hamalis’ Bulletin - Inventors and Inventions

Miss Hamalis’ Bulletin - Inventors and Inventions

21 May 2024
United Kingdom
School News

Miss Hamalis, Head of the Junior School, tells us about a recent assembly .

I was delighted to watch the confident and enthusiastic presentation by our Year 2 girls as they took centre stage to share their assembly on the captivating theme of inventors and inventions. The stage was adorned with a backdrop showcasing images of inventors and their groundbreaking creations, setting the scene for an awe-inspiring journey through history. The girls, dressed as various inventors and holding props representing their inventions, spoke to the school with enthusiasm and passion.

From the invention of the wheel, which revolutionised transportation and agriculture, to Alexander Graham Bell’s groundbreaking telephone, which transformed communication, each narrative was a testament to the power of human ingenuity and determination. We learnt about the Wright Brothers’ pioneering flight, Marie Curie’s groundbreaking scientific discoveries, and the entrepreneurial spirit of Madam C.J. Walker, who revolutionised hair care for Afro textured hair. The girls also highlighted contemporary inventors like Fei-Fei Li, who is leading the way in artificial intelligence, and Ruth Handler, who introduced Barbie to the world, encouraging imaginative play and career exploration for generations of children. From trampolines to earmuffs, Braille to Leonardo da Vinci’s visionary creations, each story celebrated the boundless potential of human imagination and the profound impact of innovation on our lives.

Throughout the assembly, our young performers took us on an inspiring journey through time, sharing stories of curiosity, bravery, perseverance, and resilience – qualities epitomised by our Channing Characters – that have shaped the world we live in today. I was particularly impressed by the captivating tales of female and young inventors. Curiosity Fox, Bravery Mole, Perseverance Squirrel, and Resilience Robin would surely be extremely proud! By fostering these qualities, we are empowering the girls to become the inventors of tomorrow, shaping a brighter future for themselves and the world around them.

I hope you share in our excitement and pride as we continue to nurture and inspire the next generation of innovators. Thank you for your continued support and partnership in our mission to ignite the spark of curiosity and imagination in every child.

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