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News > School News > Junior School: Around the World Fortnight

Junior School: Around the World Fortnight

24 Jun 2024
United Kingdom
School News

Miss Hamalis, Head of the Junior School, tells us about what they have planned for the run up to Founders' Day!

We are fully embracing our Unitarian ethos of kindness, tolerance, respect and inclusivity through our Around the World Fortnight initiative. This event, introduced several years ago, will culminate in a showcase of pupil work displayed in classrooms around the Junior School on Founders’ Day.

I wanted to take this opportunity to emphasise the importance of maintaining a culture of inclusivity within our school community. Inclusivity lies at the heart of a well-rounded education, essential for creating a supportive and welcoming environment where every pupil feels valued, respected and able to thrive academically, socially and emotionally. By fostering an inclusive culture, we demonstrate our dedication to nurturing a diverse and harmonious community, where all pupils have the opportunity to be the very best version of themselves.

Encouraging inclusivity equips our pupils with invaluable life skills such as empathy, acceptance, and understanding (embodied by one of our Channing Characters, Empathy Rabbit). It prepares them to interact positively with individuals from different backgrounds, beliefs and experiences, ultimately shaping them into compassionate and tolerant individuals ready to contribute positively to society.

Furthermore, this inclusive culture enhances the overall learning experience for our pupils. When pupils feel included and supported, they are more likely to engage actively in their education, participate in classroom discussions and collaborate with their peers. This, in turn, leads to a more enriching and fulfilling academic journey for each pupil.

During Around the World Fortnight, the girls will participate in a variety of activities to support their cultural adventures. Each year group has embarked on a journey to learn about one of the chosen countries that have previously hosted the Olympic or Youth Olympic Games (or are scheduled to do so) which aligns with the celebrations for the Olympic Games taking place in Paris, France this year. Some aspects each year group has  explored include: culture, geography, language, currency, landmarks, traditional dances, art and music. The focus for each year group is as follows:

  • Reception: Greece
  • Year 1: Italy
  • Year 2: China
  • Year 3: Senegal (hosting Youth Olympic Games in 2026)
  • Year 4: Brazil
  • Year 5: Argentina (hosted the Youth Olympic Games in 2018)
  • Year 6: USA

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