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News > School News > Year 6 Entrepreneurial Project (JEP)

Year 6 Entrepreneurial Project (JEP)

Check out what our budding entrepreneurs at the Junior School have been getting up to!
3 May 2023
United Kingdom
School News

Year 6 Entrepreneurial Project (JEP)

6G: Pet Plants

Hi, we are 6G’s Marketing Team and our new product is Pet Plants! Our mission is to make planting accessible and easy. Our product is a mess-free, easy to care for pet plant. Each plant comes with a care and instruction booklet, and a pot with wildflower seeds, ready for you to grow. These wildflowers are capable of living in a pot on a sunny windowsill, so no need for a garden! 

6E: Claylets

Hi, we are 6E’s Marketing Team and our new product is called Claylets! Our bracelets are called 'Claylets' because they are made of a polymer clay material. Please see our promotional video here

We are so proud and wish them all the best.

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