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News > School News > Royal Society of Chemistry: Schools' Analyst Competition

Royal Society of Chemistry: Schools' Analyst Competition

22 May 2023
United Kingdom
School News

This month some of the Year 12 Chemistry students took part in the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Division’s Schools’ Analyst Competition. The Schools’ Analyst Competition enables students to demonstrate and expand on their existing chemistry knowledge, skills, and aptitude for analytical science through practical experiments based on relevant problems. In this year’s scenario, the students were analytical chemists employed to investigate some unpleasant goings on at the Grand Baking Competition. Someone had been sabotaging the bakers’ ingredients and the students’ task was to unmask the saboteur. The Year 12s worked in three teams to complete a range of tests including flame tests, titrations and chromatography, to determine who was responsible. It was a pleasure to watch the students working together, dividing up the tasks and discussing their results to allow them to complete the different tasks efficiently in the allotted time. Well done tthem all for their hard work and commitment.

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