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News > School News > STEM News - GSA Competition: My Environment My Future.

STEM News - GSA Competition: My Environment My Future.

22 May 2023
Written by Jade Francis
School News

Last term and over Easter our Year 8 students have been working on the GSA Competition: My Environment My Future. This has been an enriching collaboration between Geography, Art and Maths. Although the Geography department has been addressing the main issues of sustainability and investigating the local communities, the Maths and Art Departments have been inputting with design help.

Students have had to redesign a local space, considering all factors such as what would have the biggest impact for the community and best ways to make their design eco-friendly and sustainable in the future. In Maths, students learnt how to draw in 3D using isometric paper and then drawing front and side elevations of their designs. Art took all the work that the Geography students had produced and further enhanced the look of their designs using different apps.

Year 8 has produced some amazing work and we have selected the students’ projects to enter the external competition. Here are some examples of their excellent designs: Good luck to all of our shortlisted students. Later this term Ms Gilbert, Ms Mackie and Mrs Wootton will decide who gets the internal STEM award - good luck!

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